Cooking using the timer
The timer can be used to turn just one oven
or both on and off automatically. The start and
stop time must be the same for both ovens but
different cooking temperatures can be set.
If you want to turn one of the ovens on
at the same time as the timer is set for
automatic cooking, you must wait until
the timer has turned on the oven/ ovens
fi rst. Then you can adjust either of them
manually in the normal way.
You can set the oven to turn on any time over
the following 24 hour period.
If you want to cook more than one dish,
choose dishes that require ap prox i mate ly
the same time. However, dishes can be
‘slowed down’ slightly by using small
containers and covering them with
aluminium foil, or ‘speeded up’ slightly by
cooking smaller quantities or placing in
larger containers.
Very perishable foods such as pork or fi sh
should be avoided if a long delay period is
planned, especially in hot weather.
Don’t place warm food in the oven.
Don’t use an oven already warm.
Don’t use if an adjoining oven is warm.
Avoid using wine or beer if there is a delay
period, as fermentation may take place.
To avoid curdling, cream should be added to
dishes just before serving.
Fresh vegetables, which may discolour during a
delay period, should be coated in melted fat or
immersed in a water and lemon juice solution.
Fruit pies, custard tarts or similar wet mixtures
on top of uncooked pastry are only sat is fac to ry if
there is a short delay period. Dishes containing
leftover cooked meat or poultry should not be
cooked automatically if there is a delay period.
Whole poultry must be thoroughly defrosted
before placing in the oven.
Check that meat and poultry are fully
cooked before serving.
Both Ovens
Before using for the fi rst time, heat the ovens to
200°C for 30 minutes to dispel man u fac tur ing
The wire shelves should always be pushed
fi rmly to the back of the oven.
Baking trays meat tins etcetera should be placed
level centrally on the oven’s wire shelves. Keep
all trays and containers away from the sides
of the oven, as overbrowning of the food may
For even browning, the maximum recommended
size of a baking tray is 325mm by 290mm.
Cooking high moisture content foods can
create a ‘steam burst’, when the oven door
is opened. When opening the oven stand
well back and allow any steam to disperse.
When the oven is on, don’t leave the door open
for longer than necessary, otherwise the knobs
may get very hot.
• Always leave a ‘fi ngers width’ between dishes
on the same shelf. This allows the heat to
circulate freely around them.
• The Cook & Clean oven liners (see Cleaning
your cooker) work better when fat splashes
are avoided. Cover meat when cooking.
• To reduce fat splashing when you add
vegetables to hot fat around a roast, dry them
thor ough ly or brush lightly with cooking oil.
• Suffi cient heat rises out of the oven
while cooking to warm plates in the grill
• If you want to brown the base of a pastry dish,
preheat the baking tray for 15 minutes before
placing the dish in the centre of the tray.
• Where dishes may boil and spill over during
cooking, place them on a baking tray.