If a custom wheel is damaged in dismounting, STOP, and
avoid damaging the other wheels. Continue only when the
cause is identified and corrected.
Alloy Wheels
Some manufacturers offer wheels with little or no drop
center. These are not DOT approved. The tire or wheel - or
both - can be damaged and the tire could explode under
pressure, resulting in serious injury or death. If you attempt
to mount/demount this type of wheel, use extreme caution.
European Performance Wheels (Asymmetrical Hump)
Some European wheels have very large humps except
near the valve hole. On these wheels, the beads should be
loosened at the valve hole on both the upper and lower
sides first.
Wheels with Low Pressure Warning Sensors
Performance wheels on some vehicles (including Corvette,
BMW, Lamborghini Diablo) have a pressure sensor strapped
to the rim opposite the valve hole. On these wheels, the
beads should be loosened at the valve hole on both upper
and lower sides first.
1. After both tire beads are loosened, lubricate the beads
and rim liberally.
2. Position the demount head and bead lifting tool as
described earlier paying careful attention not to pinch the
tube. Depress the table top pedal and rotate only a short
distance at a time. This allows you to stop the process
should you suspect the tube is getting pinched.
3. After upper bead is demounted, remove tube and
demount lower bead.
With tube-type tires, demount the upper bead
and remove the tube before de-mounting the
lower bead.
Table top rotation can be stopped at any time
by removing your foot from the rotation pedal.
Normal table top rotation for demounting is
clockwise. Depress the table top pedal to rotate
this direction. To rotate the table top counter-
clockwise, lift the pedal up with your toe.
Check tire and wheel carefully before
mounting. Make sure the tire bead diameter
and wheel diameter match exactly. Consult
the Rubber Manufacturer’s Association for
approved rim widths for tire sizes.
Attempts to force a bead seat on mis-matched
tires and wheels can cause the tire to violently
explode, causing serious personal injury or
death to operator and/or bystanders.
Never mount a tire and wheel handed to you by
anyone without checking both tire and wheel for
damage and compatibility. Be extra cautious of
persons without knowledge of tire service.
Keep bystanders out of service area.
Fig. 11.30