− Color Settings: Gain control can be thought of as contrast adjustment. Offset control can be
thought of as brightness adjustment.
Red Gain: Controls the amplification of the red signal.
Red Offset: Controls the bias of the red signal.
Green Gain: Controls the amplification of the green signal.
Green Offset: Controls the bias of the green signal.
Blue Gain: Controls the amplification of the blue signal.
Blue Offset: Controls the bias of the blue signal.
Link Color Controls: Makes all the gain slide adjusters move in unison when any one
color’s gain slide is moved and all the offset slide adjusters move in unison when any one
color’s offset slide is moved.
− Sense video mode changes automatically: Determines whether Dominion KX will automatically
update the video image being sent RRC each time it detects a change in video resolution or refresh
rates at the target server.
2. Click [OK] to set Video Settings or [Cancel] to close the window without saving changes.
Color Calibration
Automatic Color Calibration adjusts the color settings on Dominion KX to reduce excess color noise and
data during digitization of video images, increasing the performance of Dominion KX. Use the Color
Calibration command if the color levels (hue, brightness, saturation) of transmitted video images do not
seem accurate. Dominion KX color settings remain the same when switching from one target KVM Server
to another, so you can perform Color Calibration once to affect all connected target servers.
1. Open a remote KVM connection to any server running a graphical user interface.
2. Ensure that a solid white color covers approximately 15% or more of the target server’s desktop
(suggestion: open Microsoft Notepad and maximize the window).
Figure 29 Example of Sizing the Notepad Window
3. On the Video menu, click Calibrate Color.