Appendix F: Notification Parameters
Notification Parameter Substitution
The notification subsystem is very robust and flexible, allowing the appropriate notification of
the appropriate personnel at the appropriate time. One feature you have control over is the
content of the notification message. You can include any text, and use parameter substitution to
fill in values the CC-NOC knows. Simply include the appropriate variable in the %type[key]%
format, and the notification engine will determine and include the correct information to
substitute when sending the notification.
If for some reason the CC-NOC cannot determine what information to substitute, the value
will be blank.
Available values
The following notifications parameters are available for substitution:
%notice[id]% database id of the notice (This is the ID you use when you
e notices
%notice[iphostname]% Host name of the device referenced in the event if node id is
rovided in the even
%notice[nodelabel]% replaced by nodelabel if node id is provided in the event
%event[uei]% Raritan’s internal representation of the event
%event[source]% The system or process generating the event
%event[nodeid]% Raritan internal node Identifier (integer) (not in all events)
%event[time]% Time of event
%event[host]% Serial number of the box generating the event
%event[interface]% Interface ID in the event
%event[snmphost]% Host name in an SNMP trap
%event[service]% Service in event (not in all events)
%event[snmp]% SNMP attributes, comma delimited (id, idtext, version,
specific, community). “Undefined” is substituted for any
%event[id]% SNMP Object ID of trap
%event[idtext]% Not Implemented
%event[version]% Version of SNMP
%event[specific]% SNMP specific trap Identifier
%event[generic]% SNMP generic trap identifier
%event[community]% SNMP community string
%event[severity]% Severity of event
%event[operinstr]% Not implemented
%event[mouseovertext]% Not implemented
%event[parm[values all]]% All parameter values (space separated)
%event[parm[names all]]% All parameter names (space separated)
%event[parm[all]]% All parameter values and names (space separated, format
is name=”value”