E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1.0
Chapter 5
Expert Configuration
# marked:
The number of packets that exceeded the mark rate and - as a consequence -
are marked.
# compliant:
The number of packets that comply to the IPQoS meter rate limits and - as a
consequence - can pass.
To add a new IPQoS rate limiting entry:
1 Click New.
2 Type:
a Name for the new entry.
the Drop and Mark rate
the Burst size
3 Select:
the Interface to which the entry applies
Drop action
You can either choose to simply count the number of packets that exceed
the drop rate, or to effectively drop them.
Mark action
You can either choose to simply count the number of packets that exceed
the mark rate, or to effectively mark them.
In case you have chosen to mark packets that exceed the mark rate, you
can select what marking is applied: TOS, DSCP, or Precedence.
Select Disabled in case no marking must be applied.
You can select:
ignore, so that no changes are made to the classification
overwrite, so that the internal priority will be overwritten, no matter
what the value is
decrease, so that the internal priority will only be overwritten in
case the value defined is lower than the value upon arrival
offset, to effectively lower the priority setting with a relative offset
as defined in Class value.
The class or offset used for classification.
4 Click Apply.
Depending on the selected marking you must also select an
appropriate TOS, DSCP or Precedence value.