
Playing Titles/Chapters in a Favorite Order
You can combine your favorite titles/chapters and play them in the order you determine.
1. When a DVD is stopped, press the MEMORY button and the following display appears.
2. Select the items in the order you want by pressing the number buttons.Each time you press the Cursor
buttons ( , , , ), the space is highlighted. Highlight where you want to enter, then press the
corresponding number buttons.
3. Press the Cursor buttons ( , , , ) to move the highlighted bar
to Play Memory, then press the ENTER button. The DVD player
starts memory playback.
4. To resume normal playback from memory playback
a) Press the MEMORY button in stop mode.
b) Press the Cursor buttons ( , , , ) to move the highlighted
programs will be cleared.
c) Press the PLAY button to resume normal playback.
• IfthetitleorchapternumbersyouenteredisnotpermittedbytheDVD,afteryoupresstheENTERbutton,
it will restore to - - -. You should re-enter correct numbers.
• Somediscsmaynotpermitmemoryplaybackoperation.
• Ifyouselectrepeatduringmemoryplayback,theDVDplayerrepeatsthecurrentmemoryplayback.
• IfyoupresstheMEMORYbuttonwhilethedisplayappearsontheTVscreen,thedisplaydisappears.
• TheprogrammedselectionswillbeclearedwhenyouopenthedisctrayorturnofftheDVDplayer.
DVD Programmable Memory
Locating a Specific Time
You can move to a specific location by entering its corresponding time (hours, minutes, seconds).
1. Press the GOTO button.
2. Press the or button to display Time and press the corresponding number buttons for the setting point
you want.
3. Press the ENTER button to confirm. Playback starts from the selected section.
• IfthetimenumbersyouenteredisnotpermittedbytheDVD,afteryoupresstheENTERbutton,itwill
restore to - - : - - : - -. You should re-enter correct numbers.
• Somediscsmaynotrespondtothisprocess.
• Somescenesmaynotbelocatedaspreciselyasyouspecied.
• ThismethodforaccessingspeciclocationsisavailableonlywithinthecurrenttitleoftheDVD.
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