Special Features
44 Chapter 4
Special Features
Chapter 4 45
4. As you highlight each channel logo in the Logo Guide, information about
the program currently showing on the highlighted channel appears in the
Channel Banner. To see more information on the program, press the INFO
button on your remote control.
The Program Detail screen appears, showing complete information about
the program on the highlighted channel, and a list of actions you can take
related to that program. To return to the Logo Guide, highlight Back on the
left side of the screen and press SELECT.
Tuning to a channel with the Logo Guide
To tune to a program or channel listed in the Logo Guide:
1. Highlight the channel you want to watch.
2. Press SELECT (the Logo Guide disappears, and the channel you selected lls
the screen).
Switching to another guide style
To switch from the Logo Guide to the Grid Guide or Grid Guide (Name) while
you’re in the guide:
1. With the guide displayed on your screen, press the A button (AUDIO) on
your remote control (a list of guide styles appears).
2. Highlight the guide style you wish to view, then press SELECT. The Guide
Style list disappears, and the guide appears in the style you chose.
Searching for programs in the guide
You can search the entire list of programs stored in your DIRECTV
Receiver’s program guide to nd exactly the program you wish to see. There are
four ways to search the Guide:
By Credits Lets you nd programs that match the actor, director, role, award,
or year you type on an on-screen keyboard.
By Title Lets you nd programs that match the program title you type on an
on-screen keyboard.
By Text Lets you nd programs for which either the credits or the title match
the search term you type on an on-screen keyboard.
By Category Lets you nd programs that match the program categories and
sub-categories you select from an on-screen list.