care & maintenance
In today’s hypermarkets and stores there are 3 types of cassette tape
available for sale: Type I, Type II, Type III. When you purchase new cassette
tapes be sure to select Type I because both Type II and Type III are not
suitable for use with this system and may cause poor sound quality.
STORING TAPES : • High temperatures such as exposure to sunlight or
storage in hot places may warp the tape’s case or
damage the tape itself.
• Always keep a cassette tape in its box when not in use.
• Keep cassette tapes away from magnets to avoid
erasure by magnetic fields. For example, electric
motors and electrical transformers are some of the
objects that can erase the content of a cassette tape.
CLEANING HEADS : • The tape head is the part that plays the music on your
tape. Since the tape head comes into contact with
magnetic tapes the most, iron oxide particles from the
tape builds up on the tape head. This build up can
cause muffled playback sound, incomplete recordings,
and may prevent automatic tape stop.
• You will need to clean the heads regularly, after every
25 hours of use.
• To clean the heads, unplug the power cord from the
power outlet, open the deck door, push down the
PLAY button to expose the heads. Then use a head
cleaner to clean the heads, capstan, and pinch wheel.
After cleaning, allow about 30 minutes for the heads
to dry prior use.
• From time to time, use a head demagnetizing cassette
to demagnetize the head (available from most audio
equipment stores).
• Never use any metal objects on or near the tape heads.
• Make sure no cleaning material is allowed to fall into
the tape assembly.
Clean these parts