Squeezebox Owner’s Guide
How do I find the IP address of the computer where I have installed SlimServer?
On Windows: Click Start > Run, type in cmd and hit enter. In the DOS
window, type ipconfig and hit enter.
On Mac OS X: Go to System Preferences > Network. Under the ‘Show:’
drop-down, pick the network interface you are using, then click TCP/IP. Your
IP address will be displayed.
On Linux or UNIX: Open up a shell and type ifconfig and hit enter.
Squeezebox can’t connect to my computer running SlimServer.
This could be due to a firewall being active on the computer.
Macintosh: You will have to create a new exception in the built-in firewall to
allow the Squeezebox to connect to SlimServer. To do this:
1. Open System Preferences > Sharing, and click ‘Firewall’
2. Click ‘New...’ to create a new rule
3. For ‘Port Name:’ choose ‘Other’
4. For ‘Port Number, Range or Series:’ type ‘3483, 9000’
5. For ‘UDP Port Number(s):’ specify ‘3483’ (Mac OS 10.4 only)
6. For ‘Description:’, type ‘SlimServer’
7. Click OK, and ensure that your new exception is checked on
Windows: Windows XP Service Pack 2 turns on a built-in firewall by default.
You will need to configure the firewall to allow access to SlimServer. To do
1. Go to Control Panel
2. Click Security Center
3. Click Windows Firewall under ‘Manage security settings for:’
4. Click the Exceptions tab
Add an exception for the following three ports by clicking ‘Add Port...’:
• Port number: 3483 (TCP) - Name: SlimServer Control
• Port number: 3483 (UDP) - Name: SlimDiscovery