Chapter 1: Connections and Setup
Computer Requirements
For the best possible performance from your cable modem, your personal computer must meet
the following minimum system requirements (note that the minimum requirements may vary by
the cable company):
CPU Pentium preferred PowerPC or higher
System RAM 16MB (32MB preferred) 24MB (32MB preferred)
Operating System Windows* NT/2000/Me/XP,
Mac OS** 7.6.1 or higher
Available Disk Space 125MB 50MB
Sound Card Required for audio on CD-ROM N/A
Video VGA or better (SVGA preferred) VGA or better (SVGA built-in preferred)
CD-ROM Drive Required Required
10BaseT or 100BaseT 10BaseT or 100BaseT Ethernet
An Ethernet card makes it possible for your computer to pass data to
and from the internet. You must have an Ethernet card and software
drivers installed in your computer. You will also need a standard
Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet card to your cable modem.
USB (Windows 2000/ME/XP only)
USB Port
The Universal Serial Bus is a high-speed bus that enables your
computer to communicate simultaneously with a variety of
peripherals. However, if you have other peripherals that send and
receive a lot of information, such as speakers, printers or scanners, we
recommend using an Ethernet card to support this modem.
*Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
**Macintosh and the Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Placing the Rubber Feet on the Cable Modem
A set of rubber pads has been packaged with your modem. These pads (or "feet") can be attached
to keep the modem from sliding around on your desktop.