115391527 Rev. 4 5/15/12
3. M a ke sure you can move an d sta n d saf e l y.
Check the area around you for poss ible ob-
stacles (roots, rocks, branches, ditches , etc. )
in case you have to move suddenly. Take
great car e when working on sl oping ground.
4. Switch off the engine before moving to
another area.
5. Ne ver put the machine down with the engine
running or whi le the cuttin g att achment is
rotating .
Basic working techniques
S Always slow the engine to idle speed after
each working operation. Long periods at
full throttlewithout any load on the engine
can lead to ser ious engine damage.
S It is recommended that the engine not
be operated for longer than 1 minute at
full throttle with no load.
Grass tri mming using a trimmer head
S Hold the trimmer head just above the
ground at an angle. It is the end of the trim-
mer line that does the work . Let the trim-
mer line work at its own pace. Never press
the trimmer line into theareato be cut.
S The trimmer line caneasily remove grass
and weeds up against walls, fences, t rees
and borders , however it can also damage
sensitive bark on trees and bushes, and
damage fencepost s.
S CAUTION! Do not usethemachine
unless youareable to callfor help in
the event of an accident.
2. Do not use the machine in bad weather,
such as dense fog, heavy ra in, strong
wind, intens e cold, etc. Worki ng in bad
weather is tiring and often brings added
risks, such as icy ground, unpredictable
felling direction, etc.
S Reduce the ris k o
damaging plants by
short ening the trimmer line to 4--4 1/ 2 inches
(10--12 cm) and reduci ng the engine speed.
S When tri mming you should use less than
full throttle so that the trimmer line lasts
longer and to reduce the wear on the
trimmer head.
S Theclearing technique removes all un-
wanted vegetation. Keep the trimmer
head just above the groundand tilt it. Let
the end of the trimmer line strike the
ground around trees, posts, statues and
the like. CAUTION! This technique
increases the wear on the trimmer line.
S Thetrimmer line wears quicker and must
be fed forward more often when work ing
against stones, brick,concrete, metal
fences, etc., thanwhen coming into con-
tact with trees and wooden fenc es.
S Thetrimmer is ideal for cutting grass that
is difficult to reach using a normal lawn
mower. Keep the trimmer line parallel to
the ground when cut ting. Avoid pressing
the trimmer head against the ground as
this can ruin the lawnand damage the
S Do not allow the trimmer head to con-
stantly come into contact with the ground
during normal cutting. Constant contact
of this type can cause damag e and wear
to the trimmer head.