Regency Freestanding Woodstove
Minimum Alcove Clearance to Combustible Materials
The Regency Freestanding models have been alcove approved and must be installed
with a listed double wall connector to the ceiling level.
Note: Minimum alcove ceiling height - 84"
Maximum depth of alcove - 36"
Minimum Overall Width (X) of Floor
Protector for all installations:
Small Stove F1100S 36"
Medium Stove F2100M 36"
Medium Step Stove S2100M 36"
Large Stove F3100L 40"
Large Step Stove S3100L 40"
Minimum Overall Depth (Y) of Floor Protector
Residential Residential Mobile Home Alcove
Unit "C" Vent Close Clearance Close Clearance
Small F1100S with Airmate 38" 6" 37"* 5" 38" 6" 38" 6"
with Rear Deflector 38" 6" 37"* 5" 37"* 5" 37"* 5"
Medium F2100M with Airmate 43" 6" 41.5"* 4.5" 43" 6" 41.5"* 4.5"
with Rear Deflector 43 6" 43" 6" 43" 6" 43" 6"
Medium S2100M Step Stove 43" 6" 41.5"* 4.5" 43" 6" 41.5"* 4.5"
Large F3100L with Airmate 43" 6" 43" 6" 43" 6" 43" 6"
with Rear Deflector 43" 6" 43" 6" 43" 6" n/a n/a
Large S3100L Step Stove 43" 6" 43" 6" 43" 6" 43" 6"
From From Flue Min. Min.Hearth
Unit Unit Center-line Width to Rear Wall
Small F1100S with Airmate 11" 7" 23" 13.5" 46" 39"
with Rear Deflector 13" 5" 25" 11.5" 50" 37"
Medium F2100M with Airmate 10" 4.5" 22" 11.5" 44" 41.5"
with Rear Deflector 14" 7" 26.5" 14" 52" 44"
Medium S2100M Step Stove 10" 4.5" 22" 11.5" 44" 41.5"
Large F3100L with Airmate 16" 9.5" 30" 16" 60" 46.5"
with Rear Deflector (not approved for Alcove)
Large S3100L Step Stove 16" 9.5" 30" 16" 60" 46.5"
*The rear clearance to combustibles is less than 6", for corner installations the rear corners may be angled to take advantage of the closer clearances.
Floor Protection
A combustible floor must be protected by a non-combustible material (like tile,
concrete board, or certified to UL-1618 or as defined by local codes) extending
beneath the heater and a minimum of 6" from each side and minimum 16" from
the front face of the stove and minimum 6" (or the rear clearance to
combustibles whichever is smaller) from the rear of the stove.
NOTE: In Canada, floor protection must extend 18" to the front and 8" to each side of the stove.