F2400 with gold door, gold legs, convector airmate and bottom heat shield.
F2400 with black door, brushed nickel legs, convector airmate, bottom heat shield,
nickel hinge caps and handles.
F2400 with black door and pedestal.
Standard Features Optional Features
EPA Certified w
Mobile home and alcove approved w
Closest clearances in the industry w
Single rod draft control w
Brick-lined firebox w
Airwash system w
Rear heat deflector w
Cast iron door in gold, black**, gold accent or w
nickel accent
Nickel hinge caps and handle (for black door w
Cast iron legs in gold, black or brushed nickel w
Pedestal base w
Bottom heat shield (when using legs) w
Ash drawer w
2-speed blower w
Convector airmate w
Outside air kit w
Screen door w
F1100 F2400 F3100
Maximum BTU* 55,000 75,000 80,000
Typical Sq. Ft. Heated 600 -1200 1000-2200 2000-3500
Optimum Efficiency 73.8% 77% 71%
Maximum Log Size 18" 18" 21"
Burn Time (Typical)* up to 8 hrs up to 8 hrs up to 10 hrs
Emissions (grams/hr) 3.0g 3.4g 4.2g
Firebox Size 1.4 cu. ft. 2.3 cu. ft. 2.9 cu. ft.
Flue Size 6" 6" 6"
* Length of burn time and BTU range depend on type of wood, mois-
ture content, climate conditions and installation.
** Black doors come with gold handles & gold hinge caps
For detailed specications please see pages 18-23.