Rev.1.0, Feb.12.2004, page 18 of 29
Explanation of Serial Data of CDS Part
Serial data of CDS part are assigned to address H’F0 to H’F8. Functions are follows.
Address STD1[7:0] (L)
PGA gain
STD2[15:8] (H)
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D15 D14
• PGA gain (D0 to D7 of address H’F0)
Details are referred to page 5 block diagram.
At CDS_in mode: –2.36 dB + 0.132 dB × N (Log linear)
At ADC_in mode: 0.57 times + 0.01784 times × N (Times linear)
∗: Full-scale digital output is defined as 0 dB when 1 V is input.
Above PGA gain definition means input signal 1 Vp-p to CDS_in, and set N = 18 (correspond 2.36 dB), and then
PGA outputs the 2 V full-range, and also ADC out puts the full code (1023).
This mean offset gain of PGA has 6 dB – 2.36 dB = 3.64 dB, therefore it should be decided that how much dB add
(1) Level dia explain
0 dB when set N = 18 which correspond to 2.36 dB
(2) Level dia on the circuit
3.64 dB + 0.132 dB × N
(CDS = 0 dB)
2 V 1023
(1.0 V)
(1.0 V) (2.0 V)
Figure 9 Level Dia of PGA
• Test_I1 (D13 to D15 of address H’F0)
It controls the standard current of analog amplifier systems of CDS, PGA. Use data = 4 (D15 = 1) normally.
When data = 0, 50% current value with default
When data = 4, default
When data = 7, 150% current value with default
Address STD1[7:0] (L) STD2[15:8] (H)
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8
SHA_fseltest_I2 SHSW_fsel
• SLP and STBY (D0, D1 of address H’F1)
SLP: Stop the all circuit. Consumption current of CDS part is less than 10 µA.
Start up from offset calibration when recover is needed.
STBY: Only the standard voltage generating circuit is operated. Consumption current of CDS part is about 3 mA.
Allow 50 H time for feedback clamp is stabilized until recover.