HTS Demo Kit V1.0 14/ 20 December 2007
8.0 HTS Demo Kit Board Specifications
8.1. Hardware Specifications
Table 8-1 lists the specifications of the HTS Demo Kit Board.
Table 8-1: HTS Demo Kit Board Specifications
Item Specification
Clocks Main Clock: 5 MHz resonator, PLL, or ring oscillator
Sub Clock: 32.768 kHz crystal
RAM: 2kB (1920 Bytes user available due to kernel)
High E/W Data Block: 2kB × 2
Flash ROM: 62kB (63,744 Bytes)
[U9]: AT26DF081A 8-Megabit Serial Flash, connected to UART0/SIO
Connectors [E8_SW1]: 2-pin solder pads to mount Boot Mode header.
[MCU_IO]: 9-pin single row solder pads to access selected MCU pins
[J1]: Mini USB connector for connection of board to PC
[J2]: Stereo Phone jack, connected to board’s audio amplifier
Switches [S1]: Pushbutton (connected to P9_0/TB0in)
LEDs [D1] (Amber): AMB User LED, connected to P7_2
[D2] (Green): Debugger Status/Power
[D3] (Green): GRN User LED, connected to P7_4
[D4] (Orange): ORG User LED, connected to P7_6)
[D5] (Red): RED User LED, connected to P7_0
Photo Sensor [R17]: Connected to AN1 analog input
Audio Amplifier [U8]: LM4808 Stereo Amplifier, connected to PWM Timer outputs TA2out
and TA3out
8.2. HTS Demo Kit Status LED
The green Status LED (D2) indicates operating status of the HTS Demo Kit board. The board’s
HD64F2215RUBRHP MCU that controls the In-Circuit Debugging and Programming functionality of the
board also controls the LED. The LED is on when the board is connected to a USB port and receives
8.3. Power Supply Requirements
The HTS Demo Kit Board is powered by the USB bus. It will draw about 50mA with no LEDs on.
8.4. Power-Up Behavior
The audio example tutorial code is pre-programmed into the Renesas M16C/26A microcontroller. If
connected to a computer’s USB port, without having installed the required Renesas software tools and
drivers, the board’s RED and AMB user LED’s will flash in an alternating pattern. The green Status LED
and the GRN and ORG user LEDs will be on.
The RED and AMB LED’s blinking frequency will vary with the light intensity measured by the board’s
photo sensor.