Section 12 Compare Match Timer
Page 650 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
12.2 Register Descriptions
Table 12.1 shows the register configuration.
Table 12.1 Register Configuration
Channel Register Name Abbreviation R/W
Value Address
Common Compare match timer start register CMSTR R/W H'0000 H'FFFEC000 16
0 Compare match timer control/
status register_0
CMCSR_0 R/W H'0000 H'FFFEC002 16
Compare match counter_0 CMCNT_0 R/W H'0000 H'FFFEC004 8, 16
Compare match constant register_0 CMCOR_0 R/W H'FFFF H'FFFEC006 8, 16
1 Compare match timer control/
status register_1
CMCSR_1 R/W H'0000 H'FFFEC008 16
Compare match counter_1 CMCNT_1 R/W H'0000 H'FFFEC00A 8, 16
Compare match constant register_1 CMCOR_1 R/W H'FFFF H'FFFEC00C 8, 16