Section 2 CPU
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 71 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
No. of
6 AND Logical AND 14
NOT Bit inversion
OR Logical OR
TAS Memory test and bit set
TST Logical AND and T bit set
XOR Exclusive OR
Shift 12 ROTL One-bit left rotation 16
ROTR One-bit right rotation
ROTCL One-bit left rotation with T bit
ROTCR One-bit right rotation with T bit
SHAD Dynamic arithmetic shift
SHAL One-bit arithmetic left shift
SHAR One-bit arithmetic right shift
SHLD Dynamic logical shift
SHLL One-bit logical left shift
SHLLn n-bit logical left shift
SHLR One-bit logical right shift
SHLRn n-bit logical right shift
Branch 10 BF Conditional branch, conditional delayed branch
(branch when T = 0)
BT Conditional branch, conditional delayed branch
(branch when T = 1)
BRA Unconditional delayed branch
BRAF Unconditional delayed branch
BSR Delayed branch to subroutine procedure
BSRF Delayed branch to subroutine procedure
JMP Unconditional delayed branch
JSR Branch to subroutine procedure
Delayed branch to subroutine procedure
RTS Return from subroutine procedure
Delayed return from subroutine procedure
RTV/N Return from subroutine procedure with Rm
R0 transfer