Section 15 Serial Communication Interface with FIFO
Page 766 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Receiving Serial Data (Clock Synchronous Mode)
Figures 15.15 and 15.16 show sample flowcharts for receiving serial data. Use the following
procedure for serial data reception after enabling receive operation. When switching from
asynchronous mode to clock synchronous mode without initialization, make sure that ORER,
PER, and FER are cleared to 0.
Start of reception
Read ORER flag in SCLSR
ORER = 1?
Read RDF flag in SCFSR
RDF = 1?
Read receive data in
SCFRDR, and clear RDF
flag in SCFSR to 0
All data received?
Clear RE bit in SCSCR to 0
End of reception
Error handling
[1] Receive error handling:
Read the ORER flag in SCLSR to identify
any error, perform the appropriate error
handling, then clear the ORER flag to 0.
Reception cannot be resumed while the
ORER flag is set to 1.
[2] Status check and receive data read:
Read SCFSR and check that RDF = 1,
then read the receive data in SCFRDR,
and clear the RDF flag to 0. The transition
of the RDF flag from 0 to 1 can also be
identified by a receive FIFO data full
interrupt (RXI).
[3] Serial reception continuation procedure:
To continue serial reception, read at least
the receive trigger set number of receive
data bytes from SCFRDR, read 1 from the
RDF flag, then clear the RDF flag to 0.
The number of receive data bytes in
SCFRDR can be ascertained by reading
SCFRDR. However, the RDF bit is
cleared to 0 automatically when an RXI
interrupt activates the direct memory
access controller to read the data in
Figure 15.15 Sample Flowchart for Receiving Serial Data (1)