
Handheld User Guide 305
drafts, 93
messages, 91
received messages, 91
sent messages, 91
web pages to Messages
screen, 182
for networks, 253
screen/keyboard fields, 254
remote address directory, 125
search messages, description of, 35
deleting, 104
editing, 103
editing once, 103
new, 102
one-time, 101
performing, 100
recalling, 102
saving, 100
saving with a shortcut key, 102
setting shortcut key, 101
specifying terms, 100
tips for using, 113
viewing default, 102
AutoText entries, 57
by recipient, 105
by sender, 105
call logs, 99
email messages by subject, 106
folders, 100, 102
in attachments, 195
local addresses, 127
memos, 230
messages, 99
phone calls, 99
remote addresses, 128
SMS messages, 99
Tasks, 204
changing the password, 257
disabling password
protection, 257
enabling password
protection, 256
locking the handheld, 256
self test application, 258
unlocking the handheld, 256
security fields, 255
email messages, 42
email messages from specific
service book, 43
PIN messages, 45
SMS messages, 75
sent messages
editing, 94
saving, 91
searching, 105
service books, automatically
accepting in Browser, 173
Address Book options, 116
Alarm, 236
attachments options, 191
Auto On/Off, 246
Browser configuration
options, 171
Browser general options, 172
Calendar options, 206
call identity restriction, 152
date and time, 251
default subfolder for Browser
bookmarks, 181
email messages to delete on
handheld and
desktop, 111
general phone options, 151
handheld options, 235
MemoPad options, 228
message options, 48
notification profiles, 238