RHD 02/11 Maintenance Section 5-12
© 2011 Alamo Group Inc.
Changing Rotation of Cuttershaft
Standard shaft rotation is forward rotation as shown in the Figure ASM-FL-0072. To reverse cuttershaft
rotation, the wing drive gearbox must be flipped over 180 degrees and the center mower drive components
moved to the opposite side. When changing rotation of cutteshafts (course cut only) knife pins on wing mower
sections must be reinstalled in opposite direction.
Center Cuttershaft Rotation Reversal
1. To reverse direction of cuttershaft rotation,
three left hand parts must be ordered: belt
guard, outboard bearing plate and an idler
pulley arm. A front trash deflector is also
required. Refer to the parts section of this
manual for part numbers and ordering
2. With the mower housing securely blocked up,
remove cuttershaft and turn 180 degrees.
3. Remove gearbox cuttershaft drive pulley and
outboard bearing plate. Attach new mounting
plate to opposite side of mower housing.
4. Remove four gearbox bolts and rotate gearbox
180 degrees to new position.
5. Install Cuttershaft pulley, gearbox output pulley,
idler arm pulley assembly, and belt on housing
right side.
6. Attach new belt guard.
Wing Cuttershaft Rotation Reversal
1. Remove skid plate, front cover plate and front
2. Loosen powerband belt tensioner and remove
powerband belt from gearbox sheave.
3. Remove four gearbox bolts and remove
4. Change positions of gearbox vented plug and
drain plug.
5. Rotate gearbox 180 degrees and re-mount.
6. Replace powerband belt and re-tension.
7. Reattach skid plate, front cover plate and front