This device conforms to the USB specification revision 2.0. This device also conforms
with the Human Interface Device (HID) class specification version 1.1. The device
communicates to the host as a vendor defined HID device. The details about how the
relay status and commands are structured into HID reports follow later in this section.
It is strongly recommended that application software developers become familiar with
the HID specification and the USB specification before attempting to communicate with
this device. This document assumes that the reader is familiar with these specifications.
These specifications can be downloaded free from www.usb.org
This is a full speed USB device. This device has a number of programmable
configuration properties. These properties are stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory.
These properties can be configured at the factory or by the end user. More details about
these properties can be found later in this document in the command section.
The device does not support remote wakeup.
This device is powered from the USB bus. Its vendor ID is 0x0801 and its product ID is
Item Value(Hex)
bLength 12
bDescriptorType = Device 01
bcdUSB = version 2.0 0200
bDeviceClass = in Interface Descriptor
bDeviceSubClass 00
bDeviceProtocol 00
bMaxPacketSize 08
idVendor 0801
idProduct 008C
bcdDevice = 1.00 0100
iManufacturer 01
iProduct 02
iSerialNumber 00
bNumConfigurations 01