
-E6- -E7-
•Trim fats and wipe meats well to remove residue. (If meats contain fats,
brown in a separate skillet or broiler and drain well before adding to
cooker.) Season with salt and pepper. Place meat in cooker on top of
For roasts and stews, pour liquid over meat. Use no more liquid than
specified in the recipe. More juices in meats and vegetables are retained
in slow cooking than in conventional cooking.
Most vegetables should be thinly sliced or placed near the sides or
bottom of the stoneware. Meats generally cook faster than most
vegetables in a slow cooker.
•Use whole leaf herbs and spices for the best and truest flavor for all-day
cooking. If ground herbs and spices are used, they should be stirred in
during the last hour of cooking.
Because there is no direct heat at the bottom, always fill the stoneware
at least half full to conform to recommended times. Small quantities may
be prepared, but cooking time will be affected.
•A specific liquid called for in a recipe may be varied if an equal quantity
is substituted. (Such as substituting a 103⁄4 ounce can of soup plus 4
ounces of water for a 141⁄2 ounce can of tomatoes OR 1⁄2 cup beef or
chicken broth for 1⁄2 cup of wine, etc.)
•Beans must be softened completely before combining with sugar and/or
acid foods (NOTE: Sugar and acid have a hardening effect on beans and
will prevent softening). Dried beans, especially red kidney beans, should
be boiled before adding to a recipe. Cover the beans with 3 times their
volume of unsalted water and bring to a boil. Boil 10 minutes, reduce
heat, cover and allow to simmer 11/2 hours or until beans are tender.
Soaking in water, if desired, should be completed before boiling. Discard
water after soaking or boiling.
“What if the food isn’t done after 8 hours…when the recipe says 8
to 10 hours?”
This is due to voltage variations which are commonplace everywhere;
altitude; or even extreme humidity. The slight fluctuations in power do
not have a noticeable effect on most appliances; however, it can slightly
alter the cooking times. Allow plenty of time, and remember, it is
practically impossible to overcook. You will learn through experience
whether to decrease or increase cooking times.
“Must the slow cooker be covered? Is it necessary to stir?”
Cook with the cover on. The slow cooker will not recover heat losses
quickly when cooking on LOW setting. Significant amounts of heat
escape whenever the lid is removed; therefore the cooking time must
be extended. Avoid frequent removal of the cover for checking cooking
progress or stirring. Never remove cover during the first 2 hours when
baking breads or cakes. It is not necessary to stir while cooking on LOW
“Can I cook a roast without adding water?”
Yes – if cooked on LOW. We recommend a small amount because the
gravies are especially tasty. The more fat or “marbling” the meat has,
the less liquid you need. The liquid is needed to properly soften and
cook vegetables.
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