Guide to Recipes
The recipes in this bookare just a
sampling of the wide variety of
foods that you can prepare.
When preparing the recipe, be
sure to use the steamer basket or
rice bowl as directed. The water
required in the inner water reser-
voir and approximate cooking time
is listed under each recipe.
Multi-step recipes indicate two or
more volumes of water and two or
more steaming times. This method
allows for the stirring of food,addi-
tion ofingredients, or when required
total steaming time exceeds maxi-
mum capacity ofthe steamer.
For multi-step recipes, steam the
first time using initial amount of
water indicated. When cooking
ends, followother directions, if any
(the addition ofingredients, stirring,
etc.). A second amount of water is
then added to the inner water reser-
voir, and steaming resumes. '
Chicken and Rice
(Serves 3)
3 chicken breast halves
1/2 cup whit~ wine
11/4 cups water
1 cup raw converted rice
1/4 cup chopped green onion
1 tablespoon instant chicken
bouillon granules
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup roasted peanuts
3 teaspoons soy sauce
• Place chicken in steamer basket.
Cover and steam. Water: 11/2cups .
Time: 26-30 min.
• Removechickenfromthe boneand cut
into bite-sizepieces. In ricebowl,com-
bine chicken with remaining ingredi-
ents except peanuts and soy sauce.
Cover and steam. Water:
2 cups
Time: 38-39min.
• Addpeanuts and soysauce. Coverand
steam. Water: V4cup Time: 6-7min.
:Main Dishes
Polish Sausage Supper
(Serves 4)
2 potatoes, peeled and cut
into 1/2-inch pieces
1 pound smoked sausage
1 can (16 ounces) sauerkraut
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon caraway seed
• Place potatoes in- steamer basket.
Cover and steam. Water: 1/2cup
Time: 10-12 min.
• Slice sausage into 1/2-inch pieces.
Place sausage in rice bowl. Topwith
steamed potatoes. Coverwith sauer-
kraut and sprinkle seasonings on
top. Cover and steam.
2 cups Time: 38-39 min.
Stuffed Green Peppers
(Serves 4)
1 pound ground chuck
1 small onion, chopped
1 can (8 oun~es) tomato sauce
1 cup cooked rice
1 teaspoon prepared
Dash of hot pepper sauce
1/2 cup
(2 ounces) shredded
American cheese
4 green peppers, seeded with
tops removed
3 tablespoons catsup
'. Browngroundchuck and onionin skil-
-let; drain. In mixing_bowl, combine
ground chuckmixture with remaining
ingredients except green peppers and
• Stuff green peppers with meat mix-
ture; top with catsup. Place in steam-
er basket. Coverand steam. -
Water: 1V2cups Time:
26-30 min.