4-410 Asahi, Kitamoto-shi
Saitama, 364-8511, Japan
Phone +81(48) 593-7798
Fax +81(48) 593-7946
Web site http://www.fhi.co.jp/robin/
940 Lively Blvd.
Wood Dale, IL 60191 U.S.A.
Phone: 630-350-8200
Fax: 630-350-8212
Website: http://www.robinsubaru.com
Robin Distribution Method
Robin engines and equipment are distributed in North America through
a network of independent wholesale distributors. Each authorized
Robin wholesale distributor is
responsible for stocking Robin
products and service parts at
each of their distribution ware-
houses. These distributors
supply a network of Robin
service dealers with parts,
engines, and/or equipment
within the distributors assigned marketing area.
The Robin service dealers are established by the Robin wholesale
distributor to provide sales and service support throughout the market-
ing area. Because of the wide variety of Robin engine models and
applications, many of the service dealers will specialize in selling and
servicing specifi c types of products.
Service dealers may specialize in the following areas:
• Lawn & Garden Power Equipment
• Small Construction Equipment
• Portable Generators and Welders
• Specifi c Brand of Equipment Powered by Robin Engines
Finding the Robin Service Dealer to Meet Your Needs
Since the Robin wholesale distributors establish and supply the Robin
service dealers, please contact the Robin wholesale distributor to
select the best service dealer for your needs. When contacting the
Robin wholesale distributor, explain the type of Robin product you are
interested in purchasing or having serviced and where you are located.
The Robin wholesale distributor will direct you to the most suitable
Robin service dealers in your area.
There are over 4000 registered Robin service dealers in North Ameri-
ca, so there should be one near you. Contact Robin America with any
questions at 1-800-277-6246.
How to Select a Robin Service Dealer