6 AX1500 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
SECTION 5 General Operation 39
Basic Operation 39
Input Command Modes 39
Selecting the Motor Control Modes 40
Open Loop, Separate Speed Control 40
Open Loop, Mixed Speed Control 40
Closed Loop Speed Control 41
Close Loop Position Control 41
User Selected Current Limit Settings 42
Temperature-Based Current Limitation 42
Battery Current vs. Motor Current 43
Regeneration Current Limiting 44
Programmable Acceleration 45
Command Control Curves 46
Left / Right Tuning Adjustment 47
Activating Brake Release or Separate Motor Excitation 49
Emergency Stop using External Switch 49
Inverted Operation 49
Special Use of Accessory Digital Inputs 50
Using the Inputs to Activate the Buffered Output 50
Using the Inputs to turn Off/On the Power MOSFET
transistors 50
SECTION 6 Connecting Sensors and Actuators to Input/Outputs 51
AX1500 Connections 51
AX1500’s Inputs and Outputs 52
I/O List and Pin Assignment 54
Connecting devices to Output C 55
Connecting Switches or Devices to Input E 56
Connecting Switches or Devices to Input F 56
Connecting Switches or Devices to EStop/Invert Input 57
Analog Inputs 58
Connecting Position Potentiometers to Analog Inputs 58
Connecting Tachometer to Analog Inputs 59
Connecting External Thermistor to Analog Inputs 61
Using the Analog Inputs to Monitor External Voltages 62
Connecting User Devices to Analog Inputs 63
Internal Voltage Monitoring Sensors 63
Internal Heatsink Temperature Sensors 63
SECTION 7 Installing, Connecting and Using the Encoder Module 67
Optical Incremental Encoders Overview 67