AX2550 Motor Controller User’s Manual 109
Mode Description
SECTION 11 R/C Operation
This section describes the controller’s wiring and functions specific to the R/C radio control
Mode Description
The AX2550 can be directly connected to an R/C receiver. In this mode, the speed or posi-
tion information is contained in pulses whose width varies proportionally with the joysticks’
positions. The AX2550 mode is compatible with all popular brands of R/C transmitters. A
third R/C channel can be used to control the On/Off state of two outputs that may be con-
nected to electrical accessories (valves, lights, weapons,...)
The R/C mode provides the simplest method for remotely controlling a robotic vehicle: little
else is required other than connecting the controller to the R/C receiver (using the provided
cable) and powering it On. For better control and improved safety, the AX2550 can be con-
figured to perform correction on the controls and will continuously monitor the transmis-
sion for errors.
FIGURE 68. R/C radio control mode