Rockwell Automation Publication 1412-UM001D-EN-P - September 2012 43
Display Modes Chapter 3
Select or Delete a Record
The status bar at the top displays the memory occupied by previous records.
• To Select a Recording:
Press the Up/Down Cursor buttons to select the recording. The current
selection will appear in bold type. Press Enter to accept the selection.
• To Delete a Recording:
Select the record to be deleted with the Up/Down Cursor buttons, press
the Trash Can button and then press Enter to delete the selection.
The instrument automatically makes a correction if the programmed dates and
times do not match any of the following:
• the current date
• the current time
• the set storage rate
It is recommended to set multiple times:
• of 2 for 2 min
• of 5 for 5 min
It is possible to display a measurement being recorded by selecting the
name of the recording. To refresh the screen, press the mode buttons
(caution: loss of cursor position and zoom capability will occur).
The instrument automatically corrects the start and end time in order to
improve the readability of the time scales of the recording mode (graph
07/25/02 10:56 100
07/25/02 17:58 > In progress
07/18/02 17:58 > 07/18/02 11:45
07/12/02 14:41> 07/12/02 16:40