Search Options
To search for a specific selection by spelling it out, you can press the Search [ѣ] button on your
remote control, or navigate down to the “Search” option from the Home Menu.
(Note: Unfortunately, Rhapsody and MusicMatch don’t support searching on SoundBridge at
this time. If searching is not available, the Search menu item will not appear, and pressing the
Search key on the remote will display a message.)
Whether you use the Search menu or the remote button, you will see the following options:
Search for Titles
Search for Albums
Search for Artists
Search for Composers
Search Keywords
Press Select on the option you would like to search with. Then, use your Left/Right ÐÆarrows
on the remote control to enter characters for spelling your selection and then pressing Select.
When you are done spelling, use the Down Ì button to go to the OK option and press Select. (If
you make a mistake, use the Down Ì button to go to the Delete option and press Select.)
Hint : Partial spelling is OK — the Search function searches for letters anywhere in the
word, as opposed to just at the beginning. For example, to search for Radiohead, you
can enter any combination of letters found in the word (“RA,” “DI,” “HE,” etc.), and the
results will return all Artists containing those letters (e.g., if you enter “DI” you may get
Radiohead, India Arie, and Diana Krall).
When you find the music you like, use the Add [+] button to add it to your Song Queue. If
searching for albums or artists, you can press Select to navigate down to individual tracks.
Section 4: Additional Playback Options