MIDI Implementation
Model: AR-200/3000 (Audio Recorder)
Date: Nov.1,2000
Version: 1.00
1. Receive data (Media Player Section)
Channel Voice Message
Note Off
Status Second Third
8nH kkH vvH
9nH kkH 00H
n = MIDI Channel No. : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
kk = Note No. : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
vv = Velocity : 00H - 7FH (1 - 127)
* This stops playback of the phrase for the corresponding note number. (For more on the
corresponding phrases, refer to the Note On parameter.)
* This is ignored when "Trigger" is selected for MIDI Trigger Mode.
* The Note Off Velocity value is ignored.
* Data is not received if the MIDI Receive channel setting is OFF. When set to 1-16, data is
received only on the selected channel. When set to ALL, data is received on all channels.
Note On
Status Second Third
9nH kkH vvH
n = MIDI Channel No. : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
kk = Note No. : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
vv = Velocity : 01H - 7FH (1 - 127)
* This plays back the phrase for the corresponding note number.
* With Program Change 1 (normally turning the power on), all note numbers (128
numbers) are received. Corresponding phrase numbers may be selected freely.
* With Program Changes 21-30, only Note Numbers 00H-63H (0-99) are received. The
phrase numbers correspond to 1-1000 on Card A. Phrase assignments cannot be
* With Program Changes 71 through 80, only Note Numbers 00H through 63H (0 through
99) are received. The phrase numbers correspond to 1 through 1,000 on Card B (AR-3000
only). Phrase assignments cannot be changed.
* With Program Changes 2-6 and 7-11, only Note Numbers 00H-63H (0-99) are received.
The phrase numbers correspond to 1-500 on Card A and 1-500 on Card B (AR-3000 only)
respectively. Phrase assignments (AR-2000 compatible) cannot be changed.
* With Program 128, playback of the phrase in progress is stopped, regardless of the note
* Data is not received if the MIDI Receive channel setting is "OFF." When set to 1-16, data
is received only on the selected channel. When set to ALL, data is received on all
* The Note On Velocity value changes the playback master volume.
* The Note On Velocity value is ignored in Dual Mono mode and MIDI playback.
* The Note On Velocity value is ignored when Note On Velocity is set to "Off."
Control Change
Panpot (Controller number 10)
Status Second Third
n = MIDI Channel No. : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Panpot : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
default value = 40H(64)
* This is adjustable in 127 steps, with 0 being full left, 64 center, and 127 full right.
* When Panpot is off, this is not received.
* When MIDI playback is conducted in Dual Mono mode, this is not received.
* Data is not received if the MIDI Receive channel setting is "OFF." When set to 1-16, data
is received only on the selected channel. When set to ALL, data is received on all
Expression (Controller number 11)
status Second Third
BnH 0BH vvH
n = MIDI Channel No. : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Expression : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
default value = 7FH (127)
* This changes the volume level during playback of a phrase.
* When Expression is off, this is not received.
* When MIDI playback is conducted in Dual Mono mode, this is not received.
* Data is not received if the MIDI Receive channel setting is "OFF." When set to 1-16, data
is received only on the selected channel. When set to ALL, data is received on all
Program Change
CnH ppH
n = MIDI Channel No. : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
pp = Program number : 00H - 05H (prog.1 - prog.6)
: 06H - 0AH (prog.7 - prog.11) *Only AR-3000
: 14H - 1DH (prog.21 - prog.11)
: 46H - 4FHH (prog.71- prog.80)
: 7FH (prog.128)
* This switches the MIDI note map used for the phrase assignments.
* The change goes into effect with the first new Note On after the Program Change is
received. This has no effect on phrases being played before the Program Change is
* Data is not received if the MIDI Receive channel setting is OFF. When set to 1-16, data is
received only on the selected channel. When set to ALL, data is received on all channels.
System Common Message
Quarter Frame Messages
* Data is received when Sync Source is set to "MTC." When the Quarter Frame message is
received, operation proceeds with the start of the song synchronized to
"00h00m00s00f00" with the "MTC Offset" and the "Delay Time" added.
* This acts upon the currently selected audio phrase.
* MIDI phrases and pattern phrases are ignored when Dual Mono mode is selected.
F1H mmH (= 0nnndddd)
nnn = Message type: 0 = Frame count LS nibble
1 = Frame count MS nibble
2 = Seconds count LS nibble
3 = Seconds count MS nibble
4 = Minutes count LS nibble
5 = Minutes count MS nibble
6 = Hours count LS nibble
7 = Hours count MS nibble
dddd = 4 bit nibble data : 0h - FH (0 - 15)
Bit Field is assigned as follws.
Frame Count xxxyyyyy
xxx Reserved (000)
yyyyy Frame No.(0-29)
Seconds Count xxyyyyyy
xx Reserved (00)
yyyyyy Seconds (0-59)
Minutes Count xxyyyyyy
xx Reserved (00)
yyyyyy Minutes (0-59)
Hours Count xyyzzzzz
x Reserved (0)
yy Time Code type
0 = 24 Frames / Sec
1 = 25 Frames / Sec
2 = 30 Frames / Sec (Drop Frame)
3 = 30 Frames / Sec (Non Drop Frame
zzzzz Hours (0-23)
System Exclusive Message
Data Bytes Status
F0H iiH, ddH,.., eeH F7H
FOH :System Exclusive Message status
iiH ID Number :an ID number (manufacturer ID) to indicate the manufacturer whose
Exclusive message this is. Roland's manufacturer ID is 41H.
ID numbers 7EH and 7FH are extensions of the MIDI standaerd; Universal Non-Real time
Messages (7EH) and Universal Real time Messages (7FH).
: :
dd,.., ee = Data : 00H-7FH (0-127)
F7H : EOX (End of Exclusive Message)
The system Exclusive Messages recived by the AR-200/3000 are; Data Set (DT1).
Regarding the Data Set (DT1), please refer to "exclusive Communication".
AR-200_e.book 58 ページ 2003年7月14日 月曜日 午後1時11分