Section 7
8-TRACK DIGITAL STUDIO Date: Mar. 1, 2003
Model BR-864 Version: 1.00
MIDI Implementation
■Channel Voice Message
●Note On
If the MIDI parameter “RhyMIDI ch” is set to “1–16,” note numbers/velocities
corresponding to the rhythm pattern will be transmitted on the MIDI channel that is
specified for the rhythm guide.
Status Second Third
9nH mmH llH
n = MIDI Channel No. : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = Note No. : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
ll = Velocity : 01H - 7FH (1 - 127)
●Note Off
If the MIDI parameter “RhyMIDI ch” is set to “1–16,” note numbers corresponding to the
rhythm pattern will be transmitted on the MIDI channel specified for the rhythm guide.
Status Second Third
8nH mmH llH
n = MIDI Channel No. : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = Note No. : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
ll = Velocity : 40H (64)
❍Notes sounded by the rhythm guide correspond to note numbers as
Rhythm Guide Tone Note Number
Cross Stick G 1 (31)
Metronome (click) A 1 (33)
Metronome (bell) A#1 (34)
Kick C 2 (36)
Snare D 2 (38)
Tom 4 F 2 (41)
Closed hi-hat F#2 (42)
Tom 3 A 2 (45)
Open hi-hat A#2 (46)
Tom 2 C 3 (48)
Crash cymbal C#3 (49)
Tom 1 D 3 (50)
Ride cymbal D#3 (51)
Cowbell G#3 (56)
■System Common Messages
●MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame Messages
If the Sync parameter “Syn Gen” is set to “MTC,” quarter frame messages of the time code
type specified by “MTC Type” will be transmitted when the BR-864 is running (recording or
playing). The transmitted time counts are summed to “SMPTE (MTC) Offset Time” as the
song top is “00:00:00:00”.
Status Second
F1H mmH (= 0nnndddd)
nnn = Message type : 0 = Frame count LS nibble
1 = Frame count MS nibble
2 = Seconds count LS nibble
3 = Seconds count MS nibble
4 = Minutes count LS nibble
5 = Minutes count MS nibble
6 = Hours count LS nibble
7 = Hours count MS nibble
dddd = 4 bit nibble data : 0h - FH (0 - 15)
Bit Field is assigned as follws.
Frame Count xxxyyyyy
xxx Reserved (000)
yyyyy Frame No.(0-29)
Seconds Count xxyyyyyy
xx Reserved (00)
yyyyyy Seconds (0-59)
Minutes Count xxyyyyyy
xx Reserved (00)
yyyyyy Minutes (0-59)
Hours Count xyyzzzzz
x Reserved (0)
yy Time Code type
* The time code types defined by the MIDI specification correspond to the BR-864 Sync
parameter “MTC Type” as follows.
MIDI specification setting
“MTC Type” setting
0 = 24 Frames/Sec 24
1 = 25 Frames/Sec 25
2 = 30 Frames/Sec (Drop Frame) 29D
3 = 30 Frames/Sec (Non Drop Frame) 29N or 30
zzzzz Hours (0–23)
●Song Position Pointer
The current position is transmitted by the Song Position Pointer Message when the BR-864
is stopped, or the locate operation has been performed, if the SYNC parameter “Sync Gen”
is set to “MCK.”
Status Second Third
F2H mmH nnH
mm (LSB), nn (MSB) = Song Position Point: 00H 00H - 7FH 7FH
■System Realtime Message
Transmitted when “Sync Gen” is “MCK” in the SYNC parameter.
●Timing Clock
●Active Sensing
* This is transmitted at intervals of approximately 200 msec.