Using the Style Cover function
E-60/E-50 Music Workstation
Linking MELODY INTELL type selection to the
Styles (Style Melody Intell Link)
By default, the E-60/E-50 automatically loads the MEL-
ODY INTELL type that is suited for the Styles you select.
If you don’t need this automatic selection, here is how
to switch it off:
(1) Press the [MENU] button.
The display changes to:
(2) Press the [UTILITY], then the [GLOBAL] field.
(3) Press the [STYLE¥MELODY¥INTELL¥LINK] field to
switch it off. If it is on, the E-60/E-50 assigns a
suitable MELODY INTELLIGENCE type to each Style
you select.
(4) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.
Using the Style Cover function
The COVER function provides “masks” that change the
instrumentation of the selected Style. Simply by select-
ing another preset, you can cause a Viennese waltz to
be played back by a heavy metal band, etc. Even though
the arrangement (rhythm, riffs) does not change, the
Style’s character can be modified beyond recognition.
(1) Press the [COVER] button once or twice to select
the display page shown below.
(2) Select the parts whose instrumentation you want
to change:
• Press the [ALL] field if all instruments should be
• Press the [DRUM] field if only the drum and percus-
sion instruments should change.
• Press the [BASS] field if you’re happy with everything
but the bass line’s sound.
(3) Press one of the six fields in the lower half of the
display to select another preset.
Press [ORIGINAL] (page 1) to return to the original
(4) If none of the displayed presets appeal to you, use
the PAGE [ø][˚] fields at the right to jump to
another page with different presets.
(5) If you like the new version better than the original
one, press the [SAVE] field to save the Style to the
internal memory, a memory card or floppy disk (see
p. 64).
Note: The COVER information is part of the data only the
E-60/E-50 (E-80 or G-70) understands.
Note: You can also modify the COVER settings yourself (see
p. 102).
E-60_50_OM_UK.book Page 63 Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:06 AM