Parameter List
General Group (P.60)
Wave Group (P.62)
TMT Group (P.63)
Patch Parameter
Patch Name * Specify when writing. space, A–Z, a–z, 0–9, ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ?
@ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | }
Patch Category
Patch Level 0–127
Patch Pan L64–0–63R
Patch Priority LAST, LOUDEST
Octave Shift -3– +3
Patch Coarse Tune -48– +48
Patch Fine Tune -50– +50
Stretch Tune Depth OFF, 1–3
Analog Feel Analog Feel Depth 0–127
Cutoff Offset -63– +63
Resonance Offset -63– +63
Attack Time Offset -63– +63
Release Time Offset -63– +63
Velocity Sens Offset -63– +63
Wave Group
Wave Bank When the wave group is INT: A or B, EXP: A–D, When
the wave group is SAMP: PRST, USER, CARD, When
the wave group is MSAM: USER, CARD
Wave No. L (Mono) Wave Number L (Mono) ----, 1–1228 (The upper limit will depend on the wave
Wave No. R Wave Number R ----, 1–1228 (The upper limit will depend on the wave
Wave Gain -6, 0, +6, +12
Wave Tempo Sync OFF, ON
FXM Switch OFF, ON
FXM Color 1–4
FXM Depth 0–16
Parameter Value
Structure Type 1 & 2, 3 & 4 1–10
Booster 1 & 2, 3 & 4 Booster Gain 1 & 2, 3 & 4 0, +6, +12, +18
Key Fade Lower Keyboard Fade Width Lower 0–127
Key Range Lower Keyboard Range Lower C-1–UPPER
Key Range Upper Keyboard Range Upper LOWER–G9
Key Fade Upper Keyboard Fade Width Upper 0–127
TMT Velocity Control TMT Velocity Control Switch OFF, ON, RANDOM, CYCLE
Velo Fade Lower Velocity Fade Width Lower 0–127
Velo Range Lower Velocity Range Lower 1–UPPER
Velo Range Upper Velocity Range Upper LOWER–127
Velo Fade Upper Velocity Fade Width Upper 0–127
TMT Control Sw TMT Control Switch OFF, ON
Fantom-X678_r_e.book 255 ページ 2005年5月12日 木曜日 午後4時40分