Part 4 Features for Better Scanning
The Important Point Is to Use the Minimum Required Scanning Area
The smaller the scanning area is, the sooner scanning finishes. You can
achieve efficient scanning by making the setting for the minimum area that
is required. If you don't actively set the scanning area, the entire scannable
area is scanned.
Tips for Setting the Scanning Pitch
This settings determines the extent to which detailed portions are repro-
duced. Smaller (finer) pitches do not make for correspondingly greater
smoothness. When extreme detail is not necessary, it can actually be more
effective to set a coarse pitch.
Units Used by Dr. PICZA3
Dr. PICZA3 can display values in either millimeters or inches. The settings
for Windows determine which are used. To change the unit of measure-
ment, follow the steps below. In Windows, open [Control Panels], then
double-click [Regional Settings]. At the [Number] tab, select [Measurement
system]. Restart Dr. PICZA3.
Width-direction pitch
Detailed Scanning Conditions
(1) This sets the number of scanning surfaces. For multi-plane composition, select a number from [2] to [6]. The preview
window shows the scanning surfaces.
(2) This manipulates the orientation that the preview window displays. You can do things like rotating the preview or displaying
a three-dimensional view.
(3) Click this to display a preview of the object. Use this as a guide for setting the scanning area.
(4) These set the height-direction and width-direction scanning pitch.
(5) This sets the scanning area. You can make the setting for [Offset Amount] only when the number of surfaces to scan is
set to [1].
(6) Clicking this button displays estimates of the amount of memory required for scanning and the scanning time. Whenever
you change the scanning conditions, click this button again.
Performing scanning that exceeds the amount of free memory of the computer may greatly reduce performance for such
tasks as updating the screen display. We recommend installing sufficient memory in the computer when you are performing
large-size scanning.