Overview Basic Operation Adv. 1 (Kit) Adv. 2 (Phrase) Adv. 3 (Other) Appendix
2. Use [Knob 1] (SELECT) to select the data that you want to load, and press [Button 3] (ENTER) to conrm the
Item Explanation
1 KIT Load only one kit
BACKUP ALL Load all data
Loading only one kit (1 KIT)
3. Use [Knob 1] (SOURCE) to select the source kit (i.e., the kit in USB memory) that you want to load, use [Knob
3] (DEST) to select the destination kit number (in the OCTAPAD) into which it will be loaded, and use [Button
3] (LOAD) to conrm the operation.
A conrmation screen appears.
4. Press [Button 3] (OK) to execute the Load operation.
Loading all data (BACKUP ALL)
3. Use [Knob 1] (SOURCE) to select the load source number (in USB memory). Press [Button 3] (LOAD) to conrm
the operation.
A conrmation screen appears.
When you load all data, all of the data in the OCTAPAD will be overwritten. Be sure to back up any important data before
you proceed.
4 Press [Button 3] (OK) to execute the Load operation.
Viewing or Deleting USB Memory Data (USB-VIEW)
Here’s how to view the data that’s in USB memory. You can also delete the selected data.
1. Choose MENU Ú USB Ú VIEW (p. 16).
The USB-VIEW screen appears.
[Button 3] (ENTER) conrms the operation.
[Knob 1] (SELECT)
selects the operation.
2. Use [Knob 1] (SELECT) to select the item you want to view, and press [Button 3] (ENTER) to conrm.
Item Explanation
KIT Displays the KIT folder.
To delete a le, turn [Knob 1] (SELECT) to select that le and press [Button 3] (DELETE) to
delete it.
PHRASE Displays the PHRASE folder.
BACKUP Displays the BACKUP folder.
Change Data Folder Changes the data folder
Turn [Knob 1] (SELECT) to select the data folder, and press [Button 3] (OK) to conrm. Only
the data folder you select here will be the subject of operations on the OCTAPAD. You can
create a new data folder by pressing [Button 2] (NEW).