
Color % R G B
Cyan 100% 0 255 255
Cyan 50% 128 255 255
Cyan 25% 192 255 255
Magenta 100% 255 0 255
Magenta 50% 255 128 255
Magenta 25% 255 192 255
Yellow 100% 255 255 0
Yellow 50% 255 255 128
Yellow 25% 255 255 192
Red 100% 255 0 0
Red 50% 255 128 128
Red 25% 255 192 192
Green 100% 0 255 192
Green 50% 128 255 128
Green 25% 192 255 192
Blue 100% 0 0 255
Blue 50% 128 128 255
Blue 25% 192 192 255
Black 100% 0 0 0
White 100% 255 255 255
Software Resolution Length ( Max )
Illustrator7 600dpi 692.5mm
300dpi 1385mm
150dpi 2770mm
1. Please use Adobe Illustrator 7.01. Due to problem in software side, circle and arc will be printed as
a gathering of polygons with Illustrator 7.0.
2. Please set the File --> Color Setting of Illustrator 7.01 as below. If not, cutting can not be done.
Select [Use Embedded ICC profiles] and dot
not select [Simulate print colors on display].
3. A line with anchor points of more than 128 points can not be cut. Cut the line into two with scissors
4. PC-60 Windows Driver process data in RGB based on the speci-
fication of Windows95. However, Illustrator 7.01 process data
in CMYK as a default. Therefore, for example, PC-60 prints
with 3 process colors, Magenta, Cyan and Black, even the color
is stated as Cyan 100% in Illustrator 7.01.
To print with only Cyan, please change the Color to RGB indi-
cation in Illustrator 7.01 and adjust the color as below.
5. The image which has been imported to Illustrator 7.01 as a postscript file (EPS) will be printed as a
copy level. If you like to have better result, please save the EPS file in TIFF file with PhotoShop and
then imported to Illustrator 7.01.
6. The length which can be printed from Illustrator is described in the following table.
7. In case the size of the image is more than the Plot Area of PC-60 (571.6mm) and includes characters,
please rotate the image in the Illustrator 7.01 and print.
8. Please accommodate the sheet in the using environment before using it.
9. There could be slight error in the distance accuracy in media feeding direction because of the mechanical
10. There could be shifting in colors when printing more than 2m in length because the printing is done by
the repeated printing of YMCK.