
MIDI Implementation
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the
percussion parts.
Modulation (Controller number 1)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 01H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* When the [LFO PITCH] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Foot control (Controller number 4)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 04H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* The HPD-15 tramsmits a value corresponding to the position of the pedal connected to
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Data Entry (Controller number 6)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 06H mmH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = The value of the parameter specified by RPN.
* When a pattern is selected or adjust the Bend Range setting, the pitch bend sensitivity of
the sequencer pattern data will be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the melody parts.
Values for the RPN parameter, on the normal mode of HPD-15, are as follows.
RPN Data entry
MSB LSB MSB LSB Explanation
00H 00H mmH --- Pitch Bend Sensitivity
mm: 00H - 18H (0 - 24 semitones)
7FH 7FH --- --- RPN null
set condition where RPN is unspecified.
Volume (Controller number 7)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 07H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* When the [LEVEL] knob is turned in the melody parts, the corresponding value will be
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the melody parts and the percussion parts.
* When a pattern is selected, the part level of the sequencer pattern data will be transmitted.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Pan (Controller number 10)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 0AH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 40H - 7FH (Left - Center - Right)
* When the [PAN] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* When a pattern is selected, the part panpot of the sequencer pattern data will be transmitted.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Expression (Controller number 11)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 0BH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH
* When the [LEVEL] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Effect Control 1 (Controller number 12)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 0CH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH
* When the [M-FX DEPTH] knob is turned, the corresponding value will be transmitted.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
General purpose controller 1 (Controller number 16)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 10H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* The HPD-15 tramsmits a value corresponding to the strike position of the pad A1.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
General purpose controller 2 (Controller number 17)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 11H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* The HPD-15 tramsmits a value corresponding to the strike position of the pad A5.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Hold 1 (Controller number 64)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 40H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* This message is transmitted with the value 7FH when turned on the [ROLL/HOLD]
button or value 00H when turned off.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Sostenuto (Controller number 66)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 42H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H, 7FH (0:release Modify Lock, 127:Modify Lock)
* This message is transmitted with the value 7FH when the Modify Lock is done or
transmitted with the value 00H when the Modify Lock is canceled.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Soft 1 (Controller number 67)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 43H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H (0)
* This message is transmitted with the value 00H when the Modify Clear is done.
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
Sound Controller 1 (Controller number 70)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 46H vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv = Control value: 00H - 7FH (0, 127)