Overview Basic Operation Adv. 1 (Kit) Adv. 2 (Phrase) Adv. 3 (Other) Appendix
You can’t select Inst Layer Type for an external pads
For external pads (p. 60), you can only use 2 sounds: Inst Head and Inst Rim. (Dual trigger pad is needed to have head and rim
sounds) Refer to the owner’s manual of the pad you’re using.
Internal pads External pads
Inst A Inst Head
Inst B Inst Rim
Head shot
Inst Head Inst Rim
Rim shot
Editing an Inst (INST-EDIT)
Here’s how to access the various editing parameters.
1. Choose MENU Ú INST Ú EDIT (p. 16).
The INST-EDIT screen appears.
Use [Knob 1] (SEL) to
select a parameter.
Indicates the pad you’re editing; hit a pad to change this.
[Knob 2] (B) edits the Inst B (Rim) value.
[Knob 3] (A) edits the Inst A (Head) value.
Press [Button 3] (ALL) to copy the current value to all pads.
2. Hit the pad that you want to edit; it will be selected.
3. Turn [Knob 1] (SEL) to select a parameter.
4. Turn [Knob 3] (A) or [Knob 2] (B) to edit the value.
• [Knob 2] (B) edits the Inst B (Rim) value.
• [Knob 3] (A) edits the Inst A (Head) value.
Parameter Value Explanation
Tuning -2400–+2400
Negative (“-”) settings lower the pitch, and positive (“+”) settings raise the pitch. Turning the knob will change
the value in steps of 10.
Muing 0–50 Increasing this value will decrease the resonance and decay of the sound.
Soft Attack 0–50 Adjusts the sharpness of the sound’s attack. Higher settings will produce a softer attack.
Tone Color L50–H50 Adjusts the brightness of the sound. Higher settings will produce a brighter sound.
Pitch Sweep -100–+100
Positive (“+”) settings make the pitch sweep from high to low. Negative (“-”) settings make the pitch sweep from
low to high.
Volume 0–100 Species the volume.
Pan L15–CTR–R15 Species the pan setting. CTR is center.
Reverse OFF, ON
If this is ON, the pad’s sound will play backward.
* Some Insts will NOT play in reverse.