Overview Connections VS-700C Console VS-700R I/O Fantom VS Appendix
System Settings
Settings that affect the entire operating environment of the Fantom VS, such as tuning and MIDI message reception, are referred to as
system functions.
This section explains how to make settings for the System functions and describes the functions of the different
System parameters.
This section explains what the different System parameters do, and also how these parameters are organized.
Functions of System Parameters
System MIDI
Value Description
Rx Program Change
(Receive Program Change Switch)
Specifies whether Program Change messages will be received (ON) or not (OFF).
Rx Bank Select
(Receive Bank Select Switch)
Specifies whether Bank Select messages will be received (ON) or not (OFF).
System Sound
Parameter Value Description
Master Tune
415.3–466.2 Hz
Adjusts the overall tuning of the Fantom VS. The display shows the frequency of the
A4 note (center A).
Master Level
Adjusts the volume of the entire Fantom VS.
Master Key Shift
-24– +24
Shifts the overall pitch of the Fantom VS in semitone steps.
Patch Remain
(Patch Remain Switch)
Specifies whether currently sounding notes will continue sounding when another
patch or rhythm set is selected (ON), or not (OFF).
Also, when this is “ON,” changes produced by incoming MIDI messages such as
Volume or Pan (CC 5, 7, 10, 65, 68, 71–74, RPN 0, 1, 2, MONO ON, POLY ON), as well as
tonal quality and volume changes produced by the various controllers will be
Effects settings change as soon as you switch to a new patch or rhythm
set, without being influenced by the Patch Remain setting. Because of
this, certain effects settings can cause notes that were until then
sounding to no longer be heard, even though Patch Remain has been
set to on.
VS-700_r_e.book 151 ページ 2008年11月20日 木曜日 午後2時28分