2. For best results, wipe off surface units with a
damp sponge and soapy water after each
use. Remove burned-on food with a soap-
filled scrubbing pad. Rinse well. The red spot
in the center of the surface unit will gradually
wash off. This is normal and will not affect the
operation of the surface unit.
NOTE: Make sure plastic scrubbing pad does
not contain metal or abrasive particles. Do not
use abrasive cleaners.
3. IMPORTANT: Dry the element completely
after cleaning. Turn on the element for a few
minutes to dry thoroughly. After the element
has cooled, use a paper towel to apply a thin
coat of salt-free oil to the suriace units to
season and restore the finish. Wipe excess oil
off stainless steel trim rings. Then heat 3-5
minutes. Some smoking m7-y occur; this is
normal. If surface units have dark spots
caused by grease and loo:!, the oil treatment
will improve their appearance, but not
eliminate the spots.
Optional: ElectroP dressing can be applied to
the surface units to impro:o [heir appearance.
TO order information for ElectroP Dressing
(Part No. 814030) write to:
Whirlpool Corporation
Attention: Customer Service Department
1900 Whirlpool Drive
LaPotte. IN 46350
Call l-800-253-1301 to order. You must have a
major credit card to order by phone.