Form Feed
The form feed, when enabled, sends a form feed character to the shared device to eject
the last page printed when a port is disconnected. The factory default is a disabled form
feed. When enabled the last character sent to the shared device is examined. If it is a
form feed no action is taken. If it is not a form feed, one is supplied. To change the form
feed, enter F to the choice prompt, and answer Y or N to enable or disable the form
Enter choice (P,T,F,I,D.A,K,X, or H for help) F<ENTER>
Use auto form feed between jobs (Y/N) ? Y<ENTER>
Initialization String
The initialization string is used to initialize the shared device to a desired state. The
factory default is to disable sending of the string. This string is sent to the shared device,
before buffer data, when a port is connected. The string may be up to 8 characters long.
Entering return only to the 'Enter initialization string' prompt will disable the sending of
the string. To change the initialization string enter I to the choice prompt and enter the
string. Unprintable characters such as escape may be entered and will be displayed on
the configuration menu as periods. Note that neither the ASCII NULL character (code
00), carriage return, nor line feed characters are allowed in an initialization string.
er choice (P,T,F,I,D.A,K,X. or H for help) <ENTER>
er initialization string (CR only to disable) ? .E<ENTER>
Disable Operator Switches
This command inhibits usage of configuration mode or the clear buffer function, starting
on the next power up. The factory default enables the operator switches. Use this
command to prevent unauthorized change of the configuration parameters once you
have set them properly. Once this state has been set, the only way to configure the unit
is by resetting the unit to default settings and configuring again from those settings; see
'RESTORE TO DEFAULT FUNCTION'. Enter D from the choice prompt, then confirm
your selection. Also, to doubly confirm this, you must also enter the KEEP command
Enter choice (P,T.F.I.D,A,K,X. or H for help) D<ENTER>
WARNING! This option will disable the operator command CONFIGURATION MODE.
After this command is executed, you will not be able to return to configuration mode
without having to restore the unit to DEFAULT CONFIGURATION, thus erasing your
custom configuration.
Are you sure? (Y/N) Y<ENTER>
The keep command is used to store your changes in non-volatile memory. subsequently
powering up the unit will use the newly saved parameters as the power up settings. If
you do not use this command at the conclusion of your configuration, the unit will not
remember your changes on the next power-up. To save the parameters enter K to the
choice prompt. A prompt to enter yes or no to prevent accidental entry has been
included. You must answer Y to this prompt for the parameters to be saved.
Enter choice (P,T.F.I.D,A.K.X, or H for help) K<ENTER>
Are you sure ? (Y/N) <ENTER>