Vista KVM-Series Installation and Operations Manual
Operating instructions
The Vista switch is very easy to operate. Computer selection and set-up
functions are entered from the keyboard. You can also select computers
manually from the Vista’s front panel by using buttons 1-2 or buttons 1-4
depending on your model.
Keyboard command
Following is a description of the Vista keyboard command functions.
The <Ctrl> input key sequence is a press and release of the left control
key. Within 2 seconds of pressing and releasing the left <Ctrl> key, enter
the next command.
Command Key Sequence Description
<Ctrl> R Resets and enables mouse and
keyboard, enables PS/2 mouse
on currently selected port.
Reset mouse
<Ctrl> O Sends reset mouse command to
currently selected CPU. Will
recover stuck NT mouse.
Send null byte <Ctrl> N Used to re-synchronize PS/2
Identify ROM
<Ctrl> I Identifies ROM version, CPU
must be at a command prompt,
word processor, or text editor to
receive value.
Keep <Ctrl> K Saves current scan state and
custom settings.
Scan time
<Ctrl> Txx <Enter>
(xx = 1 – 16 sec.)
Sets the pause time for each
port when scanning.
<Ctrl> M x <Enter>
x = 1 for mode 1
x = 2 for mode 2
x = 3 for mode 3
x = 7 for mode 7
x = 8 for mode 8
x = 9 for mode 9
First select the CPU port to
configure, and then enter the
mode command.
Mode 1, 2, 3 for keyboard:
Mode 7, 8, 9 for mouse