Wireless Router RNX-GX4 User’s Manual
h WEP:
z Key Length: Please select the bits that you want to input (64 bits
or 128 bits), then entered the WEP password you desire. The
longer the password will ensure a more secure data transmit, but
will also slow down the transferring speed.
64 bits:
you can enter 10 digits under HEX (“A”~”F”;
“a”~”f”; and “0”~”9”); you can enter 5 digits of character
or numerical numbers.
128 bits: you can enter 26 digits under HEX (“A”~”F”;
“a”~”f”; and “0”~”9”); you can enter 10 digits of
character or numerical numbers.
z Key Mode: You can select “HEX” or “ASCII” mode. The valid
character for HEX format should be numbers from 0 to 9 or letters
from A to F. HEX doesn't support mixed letter and number mode.
ASCII supports mixed both letters and numbers.
z Key 1~4: By default, router provides four fields to input four
groups of password, you can input all of them or only one of them
and the client’s password only need to match one of the
WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a deprecated algorithm to secure IEEE 802.11 wireless
networks. Wireless networks broadcast messages using radio and are thus more susceptible to
eavesdropping than wired networks. However, there are hacking programs able to crack the WEP
encryption within minutes. Therefore, we strongly suggest you to select WPA or WPA2 security