2.4GHz Wireless Lite-N PCI-E Adapter RNX-N150PCe User Manual
¾ Wireless Mode when Starting an Ad Hoc Network: Specifies 2.4 GHz 150/54/11
Mbps to start an Ad Hoc network if no matching network name is found after scanning
all available modes. This mode also allows the selection of the channel that the
Wireless Adapter uses. The channels available depend on the regulatory domain. If
the adapter finds no other ad hoc adapters, the channel that the adapter starts the ad
hoc network with will be selected automatically. The Adapter must match the wireless
mode and channel of the clients it associates.
¾ 802.11 Authentication Mode: Select which mode the Adapter uses to authenticate to
an access point:
• Auto causes the adapter to attempt authentication using shared, but switches it
to open authentication if shared fails.
• Open enables an adapter to attempt authentication regardless of its WEP
settings. It will only associate with the access point if the WEP keys on both the
adapter and the access point match.
• Shared only allows the adapter to associate with access points that have the
same WEP key.
For infrastructure (access point) networks, click Preferred APs… to specify four access
points at most to the client adapter that attempts to be associated to the access points.
The four access points have different priorities; the frontal has the higher priority.
Figure 3-7
3.2.2 Remove a profile
1. Go to the Profile Management tab (shown in Figure 3-2).
2. Select the profile name in the Profiles List.
3. Click Remove.