Wireless Adapter RNX-N4 User Manual
identical content, such as multimedia, from a source to a number of recipients. This
option must be enabled if any applications on the LAN participate in a multicast group.
If you have a multimedia LAN application that is not receiving content as expected, try
enabling this option.
• Enable PPPoE Pass Through: Place a check in this box to enable PPPoE pass-
through. This option controls whether LAN computers can act as PPPoE clients and
negotiate the PPP sessions through the router over the WAN ethernet link. Enabling
this option allows LAN computers to act as PPPoE clients. Disabling this option
prevents LAN computers from establishing PPPoE pass-through connections.
• Click on the Save Settings button to store these settings.
• Click on the Tools link on the navigation drop-down menu. You will then see seven options:
Time, System, Firmware, SysLog, Dynamic DNS, System Check, and Schedules. The
configuration steps for each option are described below.
6.4.1 Time Zone Setting
• Click on the Time link in the navigation menu. This feature allows you to configure,
update, and maintain the correct time on the device’s internal system clock as well as
configure the time zone. The date and time of the device can be configured manually
or by synchronizing with a time server.
Note: If the device losses power for any reason, it will not be able to keep its clock
running, and will not display the correct time once the device has been restarted.
Therefore, you must re-enter the correct date and time.