To configure the SPEAKER setting:
• On the SPK. SETTING screen, the top
field will be automatically highlighted.
• Press the CURSOR
buttons to choose
the desired setting.
2 CHANNEL: Use this setting when con-
necting to a 2-channel stereo system or a
TV set with only two speakers.
5 CHANNEL: Use this setting when con-
necting to a 5.1 channel amplifier with front,
rear, center, and subwoofer speakers.
EXPERT: This setting is the same as the
5.1 CHANNEL option, except that it gives
access to the additional adjustments grayed
out on the SPK. SETTINGS display. These
allow you to fine-tune the performance of
your surround system, but may require some
expertise to fully understand. See the next
section for instructions on these settings.
: If you select 5.1 CHANNEL or EXPERT,
set the DOWN MIX preference to OFF.
: The Dolby LFE (Low Frequency Effect)
signal is sent to the Subwoofer output, regard-
less of the speaker setting so you can always
connect a subwoofer to your system.
: If you connect the Digital Output to a
surround processor and set the DIGITAL AU-
DIO OUTPUT option to “STREAM/PCM”, the
speaker settings described here are disabled.
Use the settings on the surround processor to
configure your speakers.
These additional options on the SPK. SETTING
page of the PREFERENCES display are only
available if you have selected “EXPERT” for
the top item. Otherwise, these settings are
grayed out.
These are used to tailor the surround sound
audio processing to match your specific speak-
ers. To configure the SPEAKER setting:
• On the SPK. SETTING screen, use the
buttons to move the over
the speaker you wish to configure.
F.SP: front speakers
C.SP: center speaker
R.SP: rear speakers
• Press the CURSOR
buttons to choose
the desired setting:
LARGE: for large speakers which can
handle significant bass energy
SMALL: for speakers which cannot fully
reproduce the sometimes heavy bass of
digital surround sound. This setting redi-
rects low-frequency from these speakers to
those that can better handle it.
NONE: use this setting if you have no
speakers connected in the speaker posi-
tion you are configuring (for example, no
center speaker).
: If you set the front speakers to SMALL,
you cannot set the other speakers to LARGE.
If you have specified any SMALL speakers in
the previous item, the low frequencies intended
for those speakers will be redirected to either
the subwoofer or to the front speakers, depend-
ing on the setting of this item. If you have not
configured any speakers as SMALL, bass re-
direct is disabled and “NONE” appears in
the setting field.
• On the SPK. SETTING screen, use the
buttons to move the over
the BASS field.
• Press the CURSOR
buttons to choose
the desired setting:
S. WOOFER: redirects bass from small
speakers to the subwoofer.
L/R: redirects bass from small speakers
to the front speakers. If the front speakers
are configured as SMALL, the S. WOOFER
option is automatically selected.
: The L/R option is only effective when
playing a Dolby Digital DVD Video disc.
Generally, you should select the S. WOOFER
You can adjust the relative volume of the speak-
ers in your system. The ideal is for the sound
from the front, rear, center, and subwoofer
speakers to be equal at your listening posi-
tion in order to reproduce surround sound audio
as it was recorded. Alternatively, you can adjust
to suit personal preference.
• On the SPK. SETTING screen, use the
buttons to move the over
the LEVEL field, then press the ENTER but-
ton. The LEVEL field changes color to indi-
cate that the levels can be adjusted.
• Use the CURSOR
buttons to move the
over the speakers you wish to adjust:
F.SP: front speakers (level is fixed at 0db)
C.SP: center speaker
R.SP: rear speakers
S. WOOFER: subwoofer
• Press the CURSOR
buttons to change
the level up or down in 1dB increments be-
tween –6dB and +6dB.
• To exit the LEVEL setting mode, use the CUR-
buttons to move the back over
the LEVEL field, and press ENTER. The LEVEL
field changes back to its original color.
DELAY Settings:
You can delay the signal from any of the speak-
ers in your system. The ideal is for the sound
from the front, rear, center, and subwoofer
speakers to reach your listening position at the
same time in order to reproduce surround sound
audio as it was recorded. Generally, you in-
crease the delay for speakers located close
to you and decrease the delay for speakers
located farther away.
• On the SPK. SETTING screen, use the
buttons to move the over
the DELAY field, then press the ENTER but-
ton. The DELAY field changes color to in-
dicate the delay settings can be adjusted.
• Use the CURSOR
buttons to move the
over the speakers you wish to adjust:
F.SP: front speakers (delay is fixed at 0ms)
C.SP: center speaker (adjustable in 1ms
increments from 0ms to –5ms)
R.SP: rear speakers (selectable: 0ms,
–5ms, –10ms, and –15ms)
• Press the CURSOR
buttons to change
the delay up or down.
• To exit the DELAY setting mode, use the CUR-
buttons to move the back over
the DELAY field, and press ENTER. The
DELAY field changes to its original color.