RDV-1093 DVD Audio/Video Player
Entering a Chapter
or Track Number
You can directly access a Chapter or Track by
entering the number using the GOTO button
and the NUMERIC buttons on the remote.
Pressing the GOTO button steps through three
direct access options: Time
, Title, Chapter. In
order to enter the number of a Chapter or Track
first press the GOTO button three times to enter
Chapter mode. Then, enter the desired Chapter
or Track number as described below.
DVD-Video discs:
On DVD-Video discs, this direct access feature
is available except when a menu screen is
already displayed on the TV screen.
• Press the GOTO button on the remote three
times to reach the Chapter mode. The Status
bar appears on the TV screen, showing the
current Chapter selections.
• Enter the
Chapter number using the NU-
MERIC buttons to enter two digits:
To enter 1, press: 0
➪ 1
To enter 14, press: 1
➪ 4
To enter 28, press: 2
➪ 8
To enter 30, press: 3
➪ 0
• Press the ENT button to begin play at the
selected point. If the disc is stopped when
you make the Chapter selection, you can
also press PLAY
to begin.
NOTE: You can also enter a Title number or
a specific elapsed Time for playback by
pressing the GOTO button to select Title or
Time instead of Chapter in the first step
Audio CD discs:
Pressing the GOTO button is not necessary.
Simply enter the desired track number with
the NUMERIC buttons and playback begins
at the selected track.
To select 1, press: 1
To select 14, press: +10
➪ 4
To select 28, press: +10
➪ +10 ➪ 8
To select 30, press: +10
➪ +10 ➪ 10
This feature is available at any time, whether
the disc is playing or stopped.
NOTE: You can also enter a Track number
or a specific elapsed Time for playback by
pressing the GOTO button to select Chapter
(Track) or Time, then using the NUMERIC
buttons to enter digits, followed by the ENT
button to begin play.
Find a Location
with Time Search
You can play a disc from a desired location
by specifying the elapsed time using the Time
Search function. This direct access feature
is available any time a menu screen is not
displayed on the TV screen.
Pressing the GOTO button steps through three
direct access options: Time
, Title, Chapter. In
order to use the Time Search feature, press the
GOTO button once to enter Time mode.
Then, enter the desired elapsed time by simply
pressing six digits in order on the NUMERIC
Example: To enter 1 hour, 14 minutes and 0
seconds, press 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0.
DVD-Video discs:
• Press the GOTO button once on the remote.
The Status Bar appears on the TV screen,
showing the elapsed time.
• Enter the desired time in the format HOURS:
buttons. Example: 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0.
• Press the PLAY
or ENT button to begin
play at the selected point.
NOTE: For DVD discs, the elapsed time
search only works within the currently play-
ing Title. You can select a different Title by
pressing the GOTO button twice in the first
step above.
Audio CD discs:
• Press the GOTO button once on the remote.
The Status Bar appears on the TV screen,
showing the elapsed time.
• Enter the desired time in the format HOURS:
buttons. Example: 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0.
• Press the PLAY
or ENT button to begin
play at the selected point.
Extra Playback Features
Four additional playback features are described
in this section of the manual:
1. REPEAT which repeats the current Chap
or the entire disc.
2. A-B REPEAT which repeats a desired selec
tion from Point A to Point B.
3. RANDOM which plays tracks in random
order on Audio CD or MP3 discs.
4. PROGRAM which allows you to select
tracks on a Audio CD disc to be played in
a specified order.
Repeat Play
The Repeat Play feature is available for DVD-
Video, DVD-Audio, Audio CD, and MP3
discs. The feature continuously repeats a single
selection or a number of selections until you
stop play.
On a DVD-Video disc, you can repeat a single
Chapter or the whole Group. On a DVD-Audio
disc, a single Track or the entire
Group. On
other discs, a single Track or the entire disc.
To begin Repeat Play:
• During playback or when you insert a disc,
press the REPEAT button.
• Each press of the REPEAT button steps to the
next repeat setting as shown in the Status
Bar. For each type of disc, the steps are as
CD and MP3:
• Repeat play of the desired selection begins
as soon as the repeat mode is selected and
continues indefinitely.
To stop Repeat play:
• Press STOP
to stop playback. On a DVD-
Audio, Audio CD1, or MP3 disc, the repeat
mode is cancelled entirely.