It is very important that the coals and the coal bed components are laid as shown no extra coals or material may be
used. If any of the items become lost or damaged, replacements must be obtained before further use of the
Relaying the Coal Bed
Fit the coal support shelf (ensuring that the front edge sits behind the three tabs) and the simulated coal front. Fig
Referring to figures 2, 3 and 4 lay the coals as follows:
1. Place 4 large round coals between the simulated coal front and the support shelf. Fig 3
2. Place 3 round coals between the gaps in the front row. Fig 3
3. Place the 5 small round coals between the gaps formed in the coals laid in 1 & 2 above. Fig 4
Cleaning the Front of the Appliance
The fire must be turned off and allowed to cool. The paintwork should be cleaned with a soft cloth or soapy water;
the brass trim has a clear lacquer coating to preserve the polished finish.
Spares and Service
For spares and service contact your local supplier, installer or direct to the manufacturer stating that the appliance
is a Slimline De Luxe and quoting the serial number from the data label located on the fascia panel.
Advantage should be taken of regular servicing and inspection of gas appliances to ensure their continued safe
Short Parts List
Description Crosslee Pt No
Coal Support Shelves 42587
Front Simulated Coal 42769
Set of Coals 0102 078 01361