
IMPORTANT! - If you are using an earlier model KP-12, and your audio transmit board needs to be replaced, you will need
to make the following adjustments with the new audio transmit board for it to work properly.
There are four jumpers on the audio transmit board (9030-7725-500) - JP1, JP2, JP3, and JP4.
If the new audio transmit board is used with the old audio controller board (9030-7504-000), jumpers should be installed
between pin 2 and 3 of JP1, JP2, JP3, and JP4.
If the new audio transmit board (9030-7725-500) is used with the new audio controller board (9030-7725-000), jumpers
should be installed between pin 1 and 2 of JP1, JP2, JP3, and JP4
Connect J10 on the new audio transmit board (9030-7725-500) with J11 on the new controller board (9030-7725-000)
through a 10-pin header.