
Description and Specifications
General Description
The LMS-325 is a modular amplified speaker that can be used to maonitor one or two intercom or program channels. The
LMS-325 is a five-watt. eight-ohm modular amplified speaker for use with RTS rack or console-mounted intercom systems.
Features of the LMS-325 include:
Two monaural phone jacks for two separate audio inputs.
One 3-pin XLR connector for RTS intercom channels one and two.
Control to adjust volume of speaker output.
Control that balances the speaker’s audio level between input one and input two.
Power externally from a Telex Wall Pack.
The LMS-325 has the following controls:
Detented volume control to simultaneously adjust the speaker level for both input lines.
Control to balance the relative level of the input line one and input line two.
8 ohms
Power Rating
5 watts
90± dB/2.83V/meter on axis averaged over one octave bands centered at 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz
when enclosed in a sealed box with a volume of 1.3 liters.
Frequency Response
200 Hz to 10 kHz ± dBon 1/10 octave measurements in a sealed box with a volume of 1.3 liters.
Free Air Resonance
200 Hz to 250 Hz
Stray Magnetic Field
Less than 1 gauss at a distance of 1 cm from chassis.
Mechanical Noise
Free of buzzes and rattles with 5W sinewave input from 100 Hz to 10 kHz