
A coarse shift adjustment that allows a 16:9 image to be displayed on either the CENTER (default),
TOP or BOTTOM of the device. This is extremely helpful in installations where the Vertical Offset (see
page 10) cannot be precisely attained. Please refer to the drawings below:
16:9 Position
KEYSTONE: Corrects the trapezoidal distortion that results from projecting at an angle:
Active Video Area
Active Video Area
Active Video Area
TOP Position CENTER Position (default) BOTTOM Position
The 16:9 POSITION feature can be used in lieu of angling the projector and using keystone.
It can ONLY be used on 16:9 screens and CANNOT
be used if an anamorphic lens is installed on the
NOTE: High definition or computer sources input to the RGB/Component port may require additional
positioning adjustments. If so, please refer to the Quick Menu on page 24.
A correctly adjusted image
An image with Keystone error
This may occur in installations where the projector needed to be angled as a result of a larger vertical
offset. This keystone feature will correct for trapezoidal distortion for as much as a 15° projector